Sermon: Summary

This sermon focuses on Jesus’ last words from the cross, specifically examining his interaction with Mary and John in John 19:25-27. Pastor Mike explores four key actions of love demonstrated by Jesus: love stays, love sees, love sacrifices, and love serves. The message emphasizes how Jesus, even in His final moments, showed deep care for His mother by entrusting her to John’s care, creating a new family bond through faith.


Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, as we gather to study Your Word and examine the love You demonstrated on the cross, open our hearts to receive Your truth. Help us learn from Jesus’ example of sacrificial love. Guide our discussion and show each person here exactly what You want them to learn about loving others as You have loved us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Share: Get Talking

What were the last words someone important in your life spoke to you that you’ll never forget?

Study: Go Deeper

How does Jesus demonstrate ‘love stays’ even in His darkest moment on the cross?

What does it mean to you that Jesus could see beyond His own suffering to care for others?

In what ways can we practically demonstrate sacrificial love in our families and church community?

How can we better serve others without hesitation or making excuses?

What prevents us from staying faithful during difficult times in relationships?

How does Jesus’ example of creating family between Mary and John apply to our church family today?

What does it mean to see beyond our immediate circumstances to the needs of others?

How can we better demonstrate sacrificial love to our church leaders and fellow believers?


Support: Accountability & Application

This week, identify someone in your church family or community who needs support and intentionally serve them in a sacrificial way, demonstrating the kind of love Jesus showed on the cross.

How can we support and pray for you this week?

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus, thank You for demonstrating perfect love through Your sacrifice on the cross. Help us to love others as You loved – staying faithful, seeing beyond ourselves, sacrificing willingly, and serving without hesitation. Transform our hearts to better reflect Your love to our families, church, and community. In Your name we pray, Amen.

Additional Resources


John 19:25-27 / Mark 10:45 / Romans 12:1-2 / Matthew 26:56


True love stays faithful through both good and difficult times

Christ-like love sees beyond personal circumstances to others’ needs

Love requires sacrifice and putting others before ourselves

Serving others without hesitation or excuse demonstrates genuine love

The church is meant to function as a family bound by Christ’s love