Sermon: Summary

Today’s sermon focused on the theme of generosity, using the example of Charles ‘Chuck’ Finney, a billionaire who gave away his entire fortune to charity before he passed away. Pastor Mike emphasized that while most of us may not become billionaires, we can still be generous with what we have.


  • I Give Generously!
  • I Give Willingly!
  • I Give Cheerfully!

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, we thank You for bringing us together today. As we delve into Your Word, we ask that You open our hearts and minds to understand the true meaning of generosity. Help us to be receptive to Your teachings and to apply them in our daily lives. May Your Spirit guide our discussion and inspire us to be more giving with our time, talents, and treasures. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Share: Get Talking

What is one of the most memorable gifts you have ever received or given?

Study: Go Deeper

What stood out to you the most from the sermon?

How do you define generosity in your own life?

Why do you think people get nervous when pastors talk about money?

What are some obstacles you face when it comes to being generous?

How can you apply the principle of ‘blessed to invest’ in your daily life?

What does it mean to give cheerfully, and how can you cultivate that attitude?

How do you balance spending, saving, and giving in your financial planning?

What steps can you take this week to be more generous with your time, talents, or treasures?


Support: Accountability & Application

This week, challenge yourself to perform one act of generosity each day. It could be as simple as giving someone a compliment, donating to a charity, or spending time helping a friend in need. Reflect on how these acts make you feel and how they impact those around you.

How can we support and pray for you this week?

Closing Prayer

Lord, we thank You for the lessons we’ve learned today about generosity. Help us to apply these teachings in our lives and to be generous with all that You have blessed us with. May our giving be a reflection of our love for You and our trust in Your provision. Guide us to be cheerful givers, and let our generosity bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Additional Resources


Generosity is not about the amount but the heart behind the giving.

God’s mathematics: giving more leads to having more in different forms of blessings.

Being generous is a reflection of our trust in God and our spiritual health.

God owns everything, and we are stewards of His resources.

Giving should be done willingly and cheerfully, not out of guilt or greed.



2 Corinthians 9:6-7 / Matthew 6:21 / Psalm 24:1 / Romans 11:36 / John 3:16