Sermon: Summary

This sermon explores God’s providence through the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 in Matthew 14. Pastor Mike discusses how God works behind the scenes even when we don’t see it, using four providential principles that reveal God’s heart and hand. The message emphasizes God’s compassion, His ability to do what we cannot, how He works with what we have, and how He provides more than we need.


Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, as we gather to discuss Your Word today, open our hearts and minds to understand Your providence in our lives. Help us see Your compassion and provision in new ways. Guide our discussion and help us apply these truths to our daily walk with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Share: Get Talking

Can you share a time when something unexpectedly worked out in your life that you later recognized as God’s providence?

Study: Go Deeper

How does understanding God’s compassion change the way you view your current challenges?

What are some areas in your life where you need to trust God to do what you cannot do yourself?

How has God worked with the little you had to accomplish something significant?

In what ways have you experienced God’s provision being more than enough?

How can we cultivate more gratitude for God’s providence in our daily lives?

What prevents us from recognizing God’s providence in the moment?

How can we better remember and share stories of God’s provision with others?

What area of your life do you need to surrender to God’s providence right now?


Support: Accountability & Application

This week, keep a daily journal of God’s providence in your life. Write down even the smallest ways you see God working and providing. Share at least one of these instances with someone else to encourage them in their faith.

How can we support and pray for you this week?

Closing Prayer

Lord, thank You for Your providence in our lives. Help us to trust You more fully and recognize Your hand at work in both big and small ways. Give us the courage to surrender what we have to You, knowing You can do more than we could ask or imagine. Guide us to share Your goodness with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Additional Resources


Matthew 14:14 / Matthew 14:19-20 / Philippians 4:19 / Ephesians 3:20-21


God always sees our needs and responds with compassion

God is able to do what we cannot do on our own

God works with what we have when we surrender it to Him

God’s provision often exceeds our needs

Blessing comes through obedience, surrender, gratitude, and brokenness