Sermon: Summary

The sermon focuses on the concept of spiritual growth and transformation, using the metaphor of vital signs to assess spiritual health. Pastor Mike emphasizes five key areas for spiritual growth: love, faith, character, confidence, and grace. Through the lens of Colossians 2:1-15, the sermon encourages believers to deepen their relationship with God and to live out their faith actively. The message is interspersed with examples of community outreach and mission work, illustrating love in action and the importance of sharing the gospel.

  • Growth In Love
  • Growth In Faith
  • Growth In Character
  • Growth In Confidence
  • Growth In Grace

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, we thank You for bringing us together today. Open our hearts and minds to receive Your word and guide us to understand the spiritual growth You desire for us. May we be transformed by Your love and truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Share: Get Talking

What is your favorite season and why?

Study: Go Deeper

What does spiritual growth mean to you personally?

How can we ensure we are spiritually healthy, not just physically?

In what ways have you experienced growth in love recently?

How do you maintain and grow your faith in challenging times?

What role does character play in your spiritual journey?

How can we distinguish between confidence and pride in our faith?

Why is grace important in our relationship with God and others?

How can we apply the concept of ‘love in action’ in our daily lives?


Support: Accountability & Application

This week, focus on one of the five vital signs of spiritual growth: love, faith, character, confidence, or grace. Identify a practical step you can take to grow in that area and commit to it.

How can we support and pray for you this week?

Closing Prayer

Lord, we thank You for the insights and encouragement from today’s discussion. Help us to apply what we’ve learned and to grow in love, faith, character, confidence, and grace. May we be a reflection of Your love in our communities. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Additional Resources


Colossians 2:1-15 / 1 John 4:16 / 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 / 2 Timothy 3:16-17 / Hebrews 4:12


Spiritual growth involves developing in love, faith, character, confidence, and grace.

Love is both a gift from God and a command to be lived out in action.

Faith is a continual walk with Christ, rooted and built up in Him.

Character is shaped by aligning our actions and attitudes with Christ.

Grace is the unmerited favor of God, empowering us to live victoriously.